Summer MTB Services
27th December - 27th January
We are in the process of reviewing out standard products and will be offering the following revised services for this peak summer holiday period between the 27th of December till the 27th of January.
4 for $60 - Half Day Sessions
Due to expected high demand over the holiday period, we have modified our services to maximize opportunity for riders to get a riding session in. All other services and Flexi cards are suspended during this period. Eden Shuttles will be running two 4x4 shuttle buses to the very summit of Gravity Eden on Mt Bimmil, giving you direct access to the gravity trails of Round the Outside, Sodium, Jump Stumper, Prana and Old Tom and Breath of Fire. ​Each shuttle bus has a maximum capacity of 7 people and will be running a morning and afternoon session. Each session will provide 4 laps at a cost of $60. The first shuttle of each session will be leaving the Gravity Eden trail head at the designated start times so please arrive on time to avoid delays. If there are free seats available in the afternoon then you are welcome to book again and continue getting lifts to the summit. Single lifts will only be sold on the day if there is a seat available on that run.
In conjunction with the summit half day services, Eden Shuttles will also be running our standard shuttle bus (not 4x4) on a continuous loop to the Flow Zone drop off as an on-demand service at $10 per lift to help you get those extra runs in for the day.​ So stay back after a morning session or come early before your afternoon summit service to get a couple of extra laps in to Straight Six and Rodgie Bull kicking off from the Flow Zone. This service is open to all comers.

Mountain Bike Shuttles
General Information
Eden Shuttles offer a range of services with 2 buses available depending on bookings. We are employing local drivers on Award wages so a minimum number of bookings per day will be required for a service to operate. We will operate any day of the week if the minimum is met so get organised with your friends to guarantee a day’s riding. You will be notified if the day's minimum is not met.
Hours of operation are 9am until 3.45pm. Each shuttle lap has a 45 min turn around time so expect a maximum of 9 laps per day. Average decent time is anywhere between 10 min for Prana to 30 min for Round the Outside (XC). Most trails have a short pedal out at the end so bring your enduro bikes for the best experience.
A portion of your fare goes as a contribution to Eden MTB Club who are solely responsible [with volunteers] for the ongoing upkeep of Gravity Eden Mountain Bike Park.
Day Pass bookings are to be made up of one Primary / Single booking and then additional discounted Family or Consecutive Day passes.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated (good or bad) as it helps us improve our services. So help us help you, by getting in touch or leaving a review.

Blue Ribbon Shuttle
Day Pass Price:
Single / Primary Booking - $110
+ Add Partner / Family Member - $99
+ Add Extra Consecutive Day - $88
Capacity: _______________ 7 people
Min. Operating #: ________ 4 people
Route Stops: ______ > Flow Zone
> Gravity Zone
> Mt Bimmil 1
> Mt Bimmil 2
The Blue Ribbon Shuttle is our premium shuttle service. Eden Shuttles is in the fortunate position of owning a luxury Mercedes 4WD minibus. With the Shingleback trailer attached there is space for 9 lucky riders to be shuttled up the fire trail in air conditioned comfort to the very summit of Gravity Eden on Mt Bimmil. This saves you time and energy so you are fresh to enjoy the downhill trails.
We recommend this service for Riders who want to focus on the gravity trails like Sodium, Jump Stumper, Prana and Old Tom. Note you can still choose to be dropped at the Flow Zone giving you direct access to all trails. This is our most popular service.
Standard Shuttle
Day Pass Price:
Single / Primary Booking - $88
+ Add Partner / Family Member - $77
+ Add Extra Consecutive Day - $66
Capacity: _____________ 11 people
Min. Operating #: ________ 5 people
Route Stops: ______ > Flow Zone
> Gravity Zone
The standard shuttle service for Gravity Eden picks up from the trailhead and travels up around to Nethercote Road with first drop-off at the Freshwater Fire Trail (Flow Zone) half way up then the top turnaround at Broadwater Road (Gravity Zone).
We recommend this service for riders who want to focus on the flow trails like Straight Six, Rodgie Bull and Round the Outside. Or riders who don't mind a short 10-15 min climb along Rock Up to access the gravity fed trails Sodium, Jump Stumper and Breath of Fire. Note Prana and Old Tom can be accessed off Breath of Fire.
Flexi Cards
Standard Shuttle Flexi Price:
Single Lift: _______________ $ 13
Flexi 4: _________________ $ 52
Flexi 10: _________________ $ 130
Flexi 25: _________________ $ 260
Blue Ribbon Shuttle Flexi Price:
Single Summit Lift: _________ $ 16
Flexi 4 PLUS: ____________ $ 60
Flexi 10 PLUS: ____________ $ 150
Flexi 25 PLUS: ____________ $ 325
Flexi Cards are our pay per ride system designed for riders who don’t have a full day but still want to get a few rides in. Very suitable for locals to drop in. They can be redeemed across multiple days, used by family or friends or even give away unused rides if you’re not returning.
Flexi Cards may only be used when the shuttle service is already operating. Priority seating will be given to day pass holders to maximise their value for the day. Flexi card holders need to fit in with available seating. A Flexi buyer can choose to exchange 8 rides on their card for a Day Pass.
We recommend you contact us ahead of your visit to check available seating.
town pick-up
We offer free town pick up on the first shuttle run in the morning.
Check out the map here to see where the 7 pick-up points are to catch the first shuttle. No need to go to the trailhead. First bus is 9.00am from the trailhead until 9.15am before heading up the mountain. If the second bus is running it will be 9.30am from the trailhead until 9.45am. No afternoon returns possible.
Day pass bookings are essential for priority seating so we know who to get and have a seat reserved for you. Flexi Card holders are eligible if seats available.
Holiday Park pick-ups
We offer south of Eden Holiday Park pick ups. Small fee applies.
A morning pick-up service is available for the Ingenia [8.10am], Reflections [8.13am] and Boydtown [8.18am] Holiday parks if the interest is there.
Available for day pass holders and Flexi riders for an additional fee of $15 you will be collected from in front of your resort and taken directly to the top of the mountain for an extra run before the other day shuttles commence.
So are you buying a pick-up service and getting a bonus Gravity run or paying for an extra downhill run and getting free pick-up? – you decide! No afternoon returns possible.
Bookings essential, minimum 3 riders needed. Priority given to day pass holders if necessary but unlikely to be needed.
Dawnbreaker & Twilight
Flexi4 PLUS rate of $60 applies
Eden is blessed with long hours of sunshine in summer allowing for early morning and evening sessions.
The Dawnbreaker service runs from the trail head from 6.00am until 8.15am with 4 uplifts. This allows the bus to be ready for the day shuttles at 9.00am. This idea is for the early risers to enjoy the trails in the cool of the morning. It also allows you to sneak a ride and then have family/tourist time during the day.
The Twilight session is expected to run from the trail head at 5.00pm until 7.15pm for 4 uplifts every 45 minutes in that time. Everybody will be finished by 8.00pm to head home.
Bookings available upon request. Minimum of 4 people required to operate.